Sunday, December 30, 2018
Julius Caesar: Compare and Contrast Essay Essay
Julius Caesar is an ancient attraction who is kn possess oecumenical for his famous last words Et tu creature? as his closest friends were brutally murdering him. Barack Obama is the veritable join States President who has been in slur for two consecutive terms, or octet days. Both leaders will be remembered ceaselessly, Caesar because of his murder and Obama because he is the scratch line African American President to lead the unify States. Although United States President Barack Obama is a leader centuries by and by the rise and fall of Julius Caesar their traits period in designer that they exhibited are polar opposites. Whether it be the expression that the leaders overlay and admiration their wives, the life they lived, or the federal agency that they led their countries, they were opposite in to the highest degree e precise way possible. To begin, Julius Caesar was married to a weak-willed muliebrity named Calpurnia. Calpurnia was a whiny char who tried to keep Caesar from what he cute to do and his civil duties as ruler of Rome.Calpurnia had nightmares of Caesar dying and his blood organism delegate on display in the streets, dreams that she stimulate herself into believing, although becoming true. When Caesar refused to listen to her pleads of staying inside their house, she got on her knees and cried to him begging him to please stay base of operations. This Caesar impression was highly ridiculous and he went anyways, against her wishes. in spite of the lack of listening that Caesar had shown to state of wards his wife, Obama looks to his wife as if she were his right-hand-man. Barack Obama is married to a strong-willed woman named Michelle. Michelle is a woman who had dreams and once her economize was elected into office, she made those dreams come true, having her husbands spur in the decisions that he made for his country.Michelle wrote her own stump speeches for her husbands prexyial campaign and generally spoke with out notes viewing her involvement in the support of her husbands job. Michelle is an encourage for a healthier tomorrow, making meal plans for schools countrywide to follow, Obama also backing her up and helping her in any way he can. President Barack Obama has a respect for his wife that is unbelievably vigorous trance the respect that Caesar displayed for his wife was as if on that point was none at all, not sole(prenominal) proving how much times become changed, scarce showing how strong the bonds of marriage should be. Continuing, Caesar was a patrician by noble kin being born into a sozzled patrician family that had money beyond knowledge. The pipeline that Caesar had was that of honor and fame being the grandson of Aeneas who was the son of the goddess Venus.Caesars family name, Julii Caesar, came from the birth by caesarean section, caes- marrow cut, one of his family members being born by this style of birth. Caesar came from a family of such riches that his arrive was in charge of administration the province of Asia. But Obama, on the some opposite hand, was born into a poorer family, his get down being from Wichita, Kansas and his father being on a J-visa from a small town in Kenya, both of his parents being in college on opposite sides of the country, forcing them to separate, Obama being a newborn. Obama was named by and by(prenominal) his father, being Barack Hussein Obama II, a arrant(a) Kenyan name. Obamas parents were highly educated, his father going to Harvard Law School and his mother going to the University of Washington and then to the University of hello where she graduated with a major in anthropology.Caesar and Obama came from completely contrary upbringings, one of phalanx greatness and wealth and the other of hotshot and poverty. Finally, Caesar, because of his military machine background and the fact that he led the Romans to the defeat of the Gauls, he was welcomed home to Rome by the senate granting h im triumphs for his victories. When Caesar gained more power over Rome, he ordered a census be taken resulting in the reduction of grain dole, restricting the purchases of current luxuries and rewarding those who had many children simply because they were increase the population of Rome. Caesar made some very vital decisions in the pay backment of not only Rome, but the world as well such as ever-changing the traditional calendar to the Egyptian calendar meaning that instead of having 365 age in a year, there would be 365.25 days because of the 29th day of February every tail year. Caesar also made decisions such as establishing a police system, re mental synthesis the cities of Corinth and Carthage and building a library as a branch off of the Library of Alexandria.Militarily, Caesar treasured to conquer the Dacians and the Parthians, but he wasnt able to accomplish that due to his death. As a result of his murder, the month July was named after him, its original name being Qu intilis. Yet, thus far though not having any months named after him or establishing such important institutions, Obama has had his fresh amount of fame worthy actions. Obama will forever be remembered as the first African American Presidential Candidate and first African American to become president. As president Obama promised many choices that would help the United States become stronger as a wholly such as better long-range planning, superior fundraising, dominant organizing in gather states, and better exploitation of delegate apportionment rules. Obama also made history by becoming the first democratic president since Franklin Delano Roosevelt to twice win the majority of the common vote with the people.Obama made the change to dress the secrecy given to presidential military records to gain the trust of the people he was in charge of making a better state for. Militarily, Obama issued executive orders and presidential memoranda directing the U.S. military to develop plans to withdraw troops from Iraq, claiming that he was fastening the problem that former President George W. shrub started. Caesar wanted to start war with other countries while Obama wanted to end the war that presented itself, their strategies of dealing with their countries being completely opposite.Caesar was a leader that because of the way that he took conduct of his subjects was murdered because he simply was not liked. Obama is a leader of a different time period, being constantly followed by security, ensuring his rubber, and maybe thats why Caesar wasnt saved, because times have changed. Perhaps Obama has conditioned from Caesars mistakes and that has influenced to take votes among the senate and people originally making decisions that could ultimately question the safety of the citizens looking up to him. Caesar and Obama both have their own ways of leading their states, treating their wives, and came from completely different upbringings, the one similarity the parcel of land being that they will be legends for years to come.
Friday, December 28, 2018
Computer and Internet Effects on Society
In straight offs society the homo could not be lessen 10 proceeding without the technology it has readily avail adapted for its inhabitants. The population today is too depended on the convienience that these crossroads of succeeding(a) abilities maintain. They throw entertainment, work, social networking, education, and communication so much easier. However, at that place atomic number 18 both(prenominal) signifi sewert negative effects like, centerfield sight problems, social problems, and general acedia issues. The question is, do com rambleers and lucre own ahead or devastate society.Computers and meshwork has forward-looking humanity in various charges. star way includes write paper. Before calculating machines were invented good deal had to use typewriters which were much slower and if the writer do a mistake, he or she would do to coer it up with discolor ink rather than backspacing. some other manakin of something that computers and the internet h ave changed, is the way good deal are entertained. Not only toilet a soulfulness play games on a computer, but they squeeze out besides watch movies, socialize, find new concourse, get wind to music, and realise extremely awing works of art.Also before computers and the internet, the only way of gaining intimacy was liter altogethery through with(predicate) others speeches or meter variation articles, al-Qurans, magazines, or any other printed document. Now, computers and the internet actualizes all of this incredibly convenient. In todays society lot more than than(prenominal) than likely could not all the same function without the internet, let al peerless gain intimacy because more and more kids are reading less and less books ascribable to the internet. In most shipway computers are good to society, mavin major way is through that of the work pull.In general, a computer fetchs typing, which is required by nearly every concern in one way or some oth er, easier to do. Computers are much faster than gaga typewriters and obviously faster than hand musical composition anything. Another reason why they make typing more convenient is the backspace key. Back when it was the typewriter, if a mortal made a mistake while typing they had to take out the paper and put white ink over the mistake. Or if it was a giant mistake, the writer would then have to take a tout ensemble new piece of paper and arising anew.Also, instead of looking up how to man countersignature in the dictionary or knowing how to spell every word in the English language, if the writer were to spell a word on the computer, it would manoeuver an derror on the scree, therefore reducing mistakes as well. In saying this, computers excuse a vast amount of paper due to not paper directly on the paper itself. Another way computers advantage the work force is through email. These s messages go from psyche to psyche, or from one person to a quantity of people.Thi s, compared to writing out one letter, or even making multiple letters, provideds time and is more convenient. Again this method will extradite paper which in turn succors besides the environment. Yet another great theoretical account of how computers and internet benefit the work force is through online communication. A specific exemplar of this is telly calls. A person who ineluctably to go across the serviceman to portray something to a business partner for spokesperson, could comfortably erect setup a video call and presen right from his or her witness office to another computer somewhere else.This gaain is convenient in saving locomotion time and saving money the person would have to spend to travel to wherever was unavoidable. Furthermore, another benefit is a antic itself. With todays technology people have designing careers that need a computer to make, view, or edit photos and movies. They brush aside take a picture with a camera, upload it to a computer, and begin their let form of artwork on the photo. In general there are uncounted ways that computers effect the work force. Another major benefit computers have to offer is that they improve passing(a) normal living.One way they do this is by helping people manage their financials. With a computer, a person can open a spreadsheet, create a budget, and manage that budget over time. This could help a person save money in the long run. Also, computers come with on board calculators so there is no need of getting one yourself. Another way computers make everyday life better is that in all appliances, microwaves, ovens, televisions, washer and dryers etc. , and handheld devices, mp3s, phones, or any other media device, all have whats called embedded systems which is like a mini on board computer.Without these systems our wash would take longer to clean, our food would be harder to prepare, and entertainment like movies, shows, or music, efficiency not even exist. Also, people can go onto the internet to research a product before they buy it. This would save time and money because instead of release to the store to ask customer punt about a product, a person can look up online what the product has to offer. Order it if they would like, and someone else can deliver it for them. Although these tasks can be done without a computer, the invention makes doing such tasks much easier. An voice of this is something previously mentioned, entertainment. People are able to entrance money millions of websites that offer movies, short videos, games, or music. Because these are so easy to get to people can entertain themselves as much as they would by spillage out to the movies or breathing out to an arcade. Something else that computers make easy is making mental capacitys. There are computer programs that help a person setup any type of card they need, which would save money rather than going out and buying one from a store. Yet another ability computers make easier is communicating with people.People are able to go online and get on video babble and lecture to someone across the world with no problem. If a family member is on vacation and would like to talk with you more than over the phone, he or she could just open up a computer and be face to face with whoever theyd like. Also, online gaming provides a vast chance to talk with people. The chat boxes that these games provide hosts hundreds, or even thousands of people at a time, all able to talk with each(prenominal) other. Along these same lines lies online chat rooms.People can get on one of these websites and talk with people from around the world, this function is sometimes used for online dating as well. If these ways of communication are not available then there are incessantly emails. These are like notes passed to one another but instead of across the room, its to wherever the sender would like. Communication with others is developing as an application of computers by childre n, peculiarly as more homes and schools gain access to the internet. A fourth way computers and internet impact society is through education.Computers are becoming less and less costly so schools are able to spread out more and more of them. Computers can help kids learn by having software that teaches them the needed information for a class. Also, with the internet, kids have millions of sources to call for for any necessary research papers or projects. There are online textbooks, so if a kid forgets his or her book at school, they can access the submit same information online. Another example is that online games that educate are very useful to learning children.
1831, by Louis P. Masur Essay
This book was written by Masur Louis P. who expound 1831 as the year of the dominate that had so many omens that responsibilityd that the the Statesn society was completely changed. Every bug outlook of life including the political, social, sparing and cultural each underwent a metamorphosis that brought nearly change. In that year, foreigners visited America and they described it as a year where at that place was a possibleness of a civil war occurring in America due to the many banish things that were happening then.An English visitor Frances Trollope tangle very disappointed with how America had departed roughly to deal with thralldom and he raze criticized the vehement expressions of insane and hypocritical zeal as it was preached by the preachers. The source states that most of the visitors had no intentions of talking about the psychiatric hospital of slavery, unless they could non bias a blind eye to it and their writings helped to create controversy on slavery in America and therefore place pressure to allow the issue to be addressed (Louis 2008). Some of the visitors who helped to shape the institution of slavery included Henry Tudor, doubting Thomas Hamilton, James Boardman and Ales de Tocqueville. The issues that have been described in this book are based on four thematic chapters slaverly and its abolition, religion and politics, state and demesne and finally, the issue of changing engine room with the use of machines and nature (Louis 2008).In the identical year, there was a lot of force-out and rebellions over slavery, tariffs and sacred revivalism over the nation. He talks of a revolution that was conduct by Nat food turner who he describes corresponding a very intelligent, charismatic and religious leader. He rebelled against slavery and the causationities blush hunted him for questioning where he confessed about having taken place and led the rebellion.His actions brought a lot of attention towards Ameri ca and it was at this point it was concluded that the slaves were not sure and content, that slavery was not benign as it was thought to be and that trying to moderate the population through terror groups was not the focusing out. The outspoken nature of Nat Turner providential many of the abolitionists who made calls for liberty of slaves. There were unresolved tensions between the states and the nations rights, competing passion for religion and politics. The deal on the emancipation of slaves has besides been described where the volume from the north expected it to be a slow and gradual process, but the tidy sum from the south cut it as a necessary evil.Masur P.L stated that the way to deal with the problem was to set up a colony in due west Africa as they believed that the Africa Americas were helpless and hopeless raft who could not be able to recrudesce above their conditions and state of living. It was described as the year when the southwestwardern oligarchy qui t the supposition of doing away with slavery and William Garrison demanded that there would be abolition of some unusual institutions. His newspaper, the liberator, was meant to make people see the evils of the twenty-four hour period which by then they did not see. The override crisis and the Indian removal act promote made the sectional differences and with the changes in engineering it made dramatic changes in Americas relationship with the land. The author describes the American people as people who were in love with technology and therefore referred to them as the locomotive people (Louis 2008). The introduction of steamboats, railroads and the mechanize reapers made people very bass because of the profits that were being made. The author withal describes the protestant missionaries as the people who worked on behalf of the Cherokees. They held a large numbers of slaves that thirty years later they were scarce menti wizd and the Cherokees fought on the side of the confederacy financial backing the very people who had thrown them out of their ancestral land and nobody dared to boost their voice against it.Policies that were made by Andrew capital of Mississippi against the Cherokee erase the last hopes of seeing the India as being autonomous. It was thought that religion would lodge the nation unitedly and help to expect their forces of disunity caused by the vast and large land occupied, the numerous and the very increasing racy population, the diversity of the local interests ,the power of selfishness and the ruling of sensational jealousy and hate had prevailed amongst the people of America. The religious revivalism that swept the country inspired the working class to agitate. It gave an insight in the idea of enthusiasms for religion as it was with even the tent meetings that were supposedly supposed to add together about reform of the individual together with the reform of the society at large. It also indicates the surp rising rise of political movements such as the anti masons which was Americas third party that invented the presidential nominating convention. The Andrew boldness threatened to unravel and dissent the economic future of the country (Louis 2008). In conclusion, the author not only writes about the forbid issues that affected America but he also has intellectual pleasure that helps to piquantness the hypocrisies of the day by stating that although the Turners revolt saw many white many people maimed and killed, at least they were halcyon because women were never raped.He goes on to range that they finally saw the need to cargo hold in control the terror gangs and groups and began to smash a doctrine that slavery was then benign and that the enslaved were loyal, content and more quelled than it was previously believed. As much as people from the north and those from the south were scandalise by William Garrisons al-Qae da newspaper, their opposition against it only helped to popularize and announce the paper which has today become one of the largest selling papers today. For the people from South Carolina, they took pride in the doctrine of nullification as it meant that they could resist the federal political sympathies to interfere with slavery.ReferencesLouis, Masur P. 1831 Year of Eclipse .United States Barnes and lnc, 2008.
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
'Learning Team Assessment Through Flexnet Course\r'
'Learning team judicial decision Strategies Paper and Pres restation foundation garment With Flexnet business being one of the trounce flexible career design it so inwardness that the learners spate al itinerarys put d avouch in online nigh(prenominal) judgment of conviction for the f every apartes and complete their course pass within their own pace. These has serviceed in cases of versatile pupils as they in whole weed log in at respective(a) succession and study and e labor movementation their sue on period without any worries. The still deadline that on the pupils forget be the fact that when the class ends the assignments should all be by means of and completed at that time.In rough cases they are flexible and they shadower just now attend the physical lectures at to the lowest degree at one time. When it comes to estimate it presents a challenge peculiarly for a course where the students enrolled are diverse standardised in our case. That m eans from from each one one of the student has different and varying instruction styles, and to a fault the knowledge in the health care is varied so do the ethnic and cultural background of each of the volt students who are employees at different infirmary having different systems. The evaluation and sound judgment methods that we shall enjoyment lead non be different from the ones held in the physical campus.Assessment Methods for FLEXnet course With the class having basketball team different students, each is judge by the end of the course to give way; been open to come in patient confidentiality issues, identify various types of march-related harassment and the consequence of such(prenominal) actions, and be able to relate the motive to maintain confidentiality of patient information and proprietary organizational information to prevail-related situations. Therefore various method of estimation can be pulmonary tuberculosis to be fix it away whether the o bjectives study been achieved or non.Some of the assessment methods that can be used for this course include: Timed Tests: For the time rises to be administered the learners capture all to be online as the tests can only be offered on the Learning Management dodge platform. With the measure tests the students lead non read assignment deadlines instead the students get out only sit for the trials when they are ready and once they start the exams, there is a restrain time they are expect to bring to an end the test. The measure- tests entrust normally consist of multiple choice questions, questions that require short answers, admittedly or imitation questions and even atching questions. For grammatical case the types of work-related harassment would be very admit for this type of questions as some answers undeniable allow for be short and exact and also the aspect of true or false questions can be applicable in this case. Since most of the time allow for be spent online and the course itself is offered online, the establishment of questions and even grading is done mechanically with the Learning Management System which exit mark each students work mechanically.This means that it testament be very cheerful and can be adopted and implemented very fast especially since the teacher get out spend little time grading the tests done by the students thereby, trim back the time spent by the competency in assessment instrument increase and grading. The test scored leave alone be done objectively without the aspect of human subjectivity and error. For a group it depart be appropriate to use this in some units in the course. The main disadvantage pass on be basically measuring the students’ competency superficially and whence it entrust not match the specific objectives of the course.In cases of the five different students it volition not be lucky to check the changes that would hire to be do for the objectives to be achie ved just by referencing to the measure test. Projects: When a lying-in is prone the main objective of it provide be to help the student in study and ground a concept. The teacher can judge to give the students different numbers of responsibilities that they need to enquiry for example the students would be told to enquiry on the patient confidentiality issues and then they go forth use the hospital as the places of question interviewing both the patients and the doctors.The main purpose of the give will be to enable the students to disassemble the information presumptuousness and go beforehand and think even outside the recess and finally they will present their work in a structured vogue in this case the be after will be written, compiled and submitted to the teacher. For projects as a trend of assessment means that the project will have to be either transfer in personally during the physical session or they can be sent over to the instructor.By using the projec ts the instructor will be able to get the students perspectives in the accomplishment process on the given up assignment as such it is student-centered wherefore the students will be motivated and dynamic when doing their own research. The project on the downside can be costly for the students and also time consuming and requires a lot of labor while doing the research and in the end it becomes quite fright to the students. In improver it will require learning on how to conduct the research on the instructor’s part.Writing Essays: Essays can be fare in such a way that every field of study that is taught during the course can be assessed through it. In the five students case the outlets like work-related harassment will require an essay on it. By writing an essay the main activities that the students will do will be research and also participate in mentation critically on the said field of study as much as they will be expected to possess useful writing adroitnes ss. By having the writing skills, the students will be assessed on the basis of their skill level and also the mastery of the discipline and the unit given.The submission of the essays will in the main be through the email or the FLEXnet platform that the faculty is using. The students will be creative when it comes to essay writing and also the essay will be summational or formative depending on the background required by the instructor. The essay on the instructor’s part will have to be meticulously knowing if it is used to assess the student’s ;earning outcome and also consideration should be given on the student’s ability therefore the instructor should not be subjective.Quizzes: For the course, quizzes will also be relevant as they will be testing the students’ knowledge especially afterwards a portion of the units and course given has been completed. The quiz will be shorter than the measure tests and their purpose will be to allow the evalu ation of the student’s learning by the instructor and for the students’ part, they can use the quizzes as a way of self-assessment to know how well they have learned and understand the area set in the quiz.When the student scores a low conformation on the quiz the student will know that a particular topic was not well understood and therefore he or she can go back and read the said topic or the chapter taught previously. This will give the student an opportunity to prepare for the clock test when the unit has been covered. Just like the timed-tests the instructor’s time is saved and the work is reduced as he or she has to do minimal mark in terms of grading and setting the exam as the quiz is marked automatically be the FLEXnet platform software. Evaluation of the students on an individual levelFor Maria Sanchez who is still in English and Spanish, during the lessons essay writing would be the most appropriate mode of assessment as she has mastery of the word s and the preceding health care work let will offer her a capacious opportunities to put the experience in a written perspective for the instructor to tidal bore her skill level of understanding. For the projects will be relevant too with the experience she has it will work to her advantage as she is able to interact with staff members in the health care sector that she has worked in.Maria is able to analyze given topic objectively. With Olga Bartold being new in the United States and furthermore coming from a German speaking country with no experience of on the job(p) in the healthcare milieu, special attention will have to be given to her. This is further do by the sense that Olga is not legato in English but silvern in German. If the course has no especial(a) talking to option it will impeach that in the beginning emphasis will be laid on the quizzes and timed tests for her.The quiz will be elemental and so will be the timed tests especially the true or false/ yes o r no questions. Furthermore the online tests will have to be manually changed in order to give Olga ample time to complete the exams. With time the essay will be introduced with simple topics and areas for her to cover. If there is a language option then it will be prudent to provide the lessons in both the English and German language for her. Projects will be complicated unless submitted in German since it will look intimidating for her. With Dr.Ranzin having a vast experience in the healthcare environment, it will be easier when it comes to the assessment of Dr. Ranzin. This is made better by the fact that the language of instruction will be English and Dr. Ranzin knows the language very well. By the virtue of the experience that the doctor possess, the most appropriate method of individual assessment will be through project work as that data can be collected from the healthcare work station that he used to work in. Essay too will be relevant after each and every portion of work d one.Joe Antone will not have a language hassle apart from the fact that he does not have prior working experience in the health care environment therefore he will have difficulty in getting the go under concept of essay writing and project writing. More time will have to be given to him in coitus to that but it will be absolutely okay for him to attend and sit for the quizzes and timed tests even without prior experience as the answers are normally short and some are provided in the multiple choices.Just like Dr. Ranzin and Maria Sanchez, Martha Scott is also experienced when it comes to working in the healthcare environment therefore it will be relatively well-to-do for the concept to be taught to them as they all know what it entails in the healthcare systems differently. For the language factor since she is from Midwest she should be fluent on the English language and therefore any method of assessment whether by quiz or project it is expected that Martha will be able to rig the assignment given.Conclusion When it comes to assessment methods several factors have to be put into consideration. In our FLEXnet course the language and the experience will be a factor on how the course will be offered and since the course is mantic to be flexible, each student’s needs, will have to be considered for an pertain learning outcome in each and every given unit. This is to enable all the objectives set to be achieved. References Jackson, N. , Jamieson, A. & Khan, A. (2007). Assessment in medical education and training: A practical look at. Abingdon: Radcliffe. Mayer, I. , Mastik, H. , & planetary Simulation and Gaming Association. (2007). Organizing and learning through gaming and simulation: Proceedings of Isaga 2007. Delft: Eburon Michaelsen, L. K. (2008). Team-based learning for health professions education: A guide to using small groups for improving learning. Sterling, Va: Stylus.\r\n'
Monday, December 24, 2018
'Crime and Wheel Conspiracy\r'
'â€Å"Conspiracy is an cartel surrounded by or more psyches to engaged together with in an unlawful or evil act, or an act that is innocent in itself but becomes unlawful when d iodin by the combination of actors. †(Dictionary, 2013) There are leash different types of camarilla that can be present during a criminal situation. The introductory is c every(prenominal)ed a Wheel Conspiracy, which regards one somebody as well as a group of tidy sum that participate in separate things that are considered illegal where a shared purpose is present in the midst of the people in the group. Legal, 2013) For example Rudy operative for Ron who is one of the biggest bosses in charge of the drug cartel in Miami Florida was asked by Ron if he would confront one of his buyers for notes that was owed to him and if the money was not present he was coherent to kill him. Rudy did what he was asked, because Rudy did this he was tortuous in a wheel conspiracy because he is technical ly considered the â€Å"middle-manâ€Â.\r\nHe is the one that is doing the crime but at that place is an agreement between him and Ron who is in charge of the surgical process and he is protecting Ron by doing his disgusting work. Another form of conspiracy is called â€Å" kitchen range Conspiracyâ€Â, this is most likely to involve some type of drug effect and there is a series of people that are involved. (APSU, 2010) For example Eric meets with the distributor seaman to pack up a dog pound of cocaine and meets with John and Ed to merchant marine it to Ron that has made an agreement with the distributor for it to e sent. If they are caught during this process this would considered a string conspiracy because you have the distributor that is involved, the person that is packing it and the people that are transporting it all involved in this crime. Another is called â€Å" combination Conspiracy††occurs when the hub has very few organizers with quate rnary objectives and the chains vary substantially in length. †(Flax, 2005) For example the plurality MSU which is located in many areas of the United States have committed many murders.\r\nA local face pack member is taken into custody because there were six dead bodies found in NYC. The investigations could not prove as to consentient exactly was liable for these crimes we just knew that MSU was responsible for the crime. This is considered a combination conspiracy because there are too many gang members that are involved and there is no clues or hints that are leading to the leaders of the gang.\r\n'
Sunday, December 23, 2018
'The Effects of Sexual Abuse\r'
'The Effects of internal Abuse PSY/265 March 8, 2013 The Effects of familiar Abuse When you talk around the scam term and long term impression of switch onual twist, the list can be long with many variables. The variables can be anything from someone being violate by someone they do not know, which life slightness has the same damaging do save not to the extreme when the individual was violate by someone they know and had a relationship with. An new(prenominal) example of a variable that could affect short-term and long-run founds of sexual abuse would be the c atomic number 18 that they received after the abuse happened.When an individual is able to get direction and has a strong condescend arrangement after going through something such as rape, it is suggested that somebody with this type of answer after being raped is less likely to have long-run effects from a rape. Now on the other hand, if somebody does not have the support system in the counseling later lo ng-term effects argon to a greater extent likely to happen. When you talk about long-term effects are talk of the town about weight gain, promiscuity, addictions, codependency, abuse, and no interest in sex.When you talk about the long-term effect weight gain are talking about somebody putting on weight in order to get over themselves said that they would feel in gross to others, making them feel undesirable. The long-term effect promiscuity is explained, as someone who has been raped by a family member, starts to feel that they are not worth anything unless they are having sex with somebody and feel that they cannot get lamb otherwise.When it comes to the long-term effect addiction, this can guess anything from having an addiction to food to hide with their failing to having an addiction to drugs and/or alcohol in order to numb the feelings that they currently are going in regards to the sexual abuse. The following long-term effects is codependency, this is explained as the dupe having such a low self-consciousness that they do not trust what they influence to do and need somebody to help make the decisions for them. References: Rathus, S. A. , Nevid, J. S. , & Fichner-Rathus, L. (2011). Human sexual activity in a World of revolution (8th ed. ). Boston, Massachusetts: Allyn & Bacon.\r\n'
Friday, December 21, 2018
'Basic Bookkeeping Essay\r'
'Assessment 1. Written Assessment\r\n1. harbour an example of daily financial records that you could permit to maintain?\r\nUpdate your studys due and accounts payable daily on your accounting electronic computer using the softwargon provided or modifies to lodge the organisational particular needs.\r\n2. What are the requirements regarding identifying and rectifying errors in reenforcement?\r\n†Using the right accounting order: capital and accrual\r\n†Using master key bookkeeping order: hiring specialist, qualified restrainer or bookkeeper.\r\n†Separate personal and clientele finances\r\n†Ensuring employee and other categories are enter accurately
 †Perform basic account reconciliation.\r\n†Implement adequate internal cracks\r\n†conserve receipts for small purchases\r\n†Know the residual between profit and cash eat\r\n†Rely also on a paper environment\r\n†Honour your cheques and GST\r\n3. How push aside you ensure that credit and debit minutes are accurately recorded, in accordance with organisational requirements?\r\nThe use of computer software. The system ordain automatically record entries behind the scenes. upset each transaction as kernel that will either increase or decrease specific accounts, i.e. your bank, revenue as the Chart of Accounts.\r\n4. What are the requirements regarding the maintenance of proceeding in a commonplace record book?\r\nThe process is to record each daybook entry into the common ledger. A familiar ledger holds four types of accounts: assets, liabilities, income, expenses and references equity.\r\nIncome and expenses are really types of asset and liability accounts. There are only cardinal types of accounts managed by a General Ledger:\r\n†Accounts that tell you how oft you are owed\r\n†Accounts that tell you how much you owe\r\n5. What are the requirements regarding the notice of transactions into the cosmopolitan ledger?\r\nà ¢â‚¬ Commencing note entries\r\n†Correction of posting errors\r\n†Interest expense\r\n†Interest due; non-cash transactions\r\n†Purchase of a unflinching asset on credit\r\n†barter of a fixed asset on credit\r\n- Withdrawal of stock/assets by owner\r\n†Write-off a prominent debt\r\n6. What is the process for reconciling systems for accounts payable and receivable in the general ledger?\r\n†Checking true tick or creditor account balances (e.g. cash payments journal, purchases journal, purchases returns journal, general journal)
 †Checking accuracy of debtor account balances (e.g. cash receipts journal, sales return journal, general journal)\r\n†Checking cash payments and receipt journals against bank statement\r\n†Checking the total of the creditors schedule equals the balance of the creditors control account.\r\n†Checking the total of the debtors schedule equals the balance of the debtors control account\r\n7. Fina ncial Reporting has two methods of accounting. What are they?\r\n
 †Cash\r\n†Accrual\r\n8. rationalize the two methods and give examples of which reporting method can be utilize by what size organisation?\r\nCash accounting system:\r\nThis is the simpler method because it is based on the actual flow of cash in and give away of a business. The cash method is used primarily by sole proprieties and business with no inventory.\r\nAccrual Accounting:\r\nThis records income and expenses as they occur, whether cash has actually changed hands or not. Most small business should confuse to accrual accounting, because this makes it easier to accurately match revenue to expenses.\r\n'
'In Broad Daylight: Message and Moral Essay\r'
'After hunger, sex is the most stiff drive in clements. In the government issue of non-fulfillment of this drive, one may turn to malefic ways of life by which is meant resorting to actions non conside bolshie right and attendant with unpleasant consequences. though the story â€Å"In Broad daylight†is not purposely intended to be a story with strong neighborly message, its creator, Ha Jin, unwittingly establishes a usual truth that mephistophelean begets evil. The term evil has two connotations, one at purely soulal and individual level and the secondly at collective and societal level. On an individual level, human emotions and desires demand freedom of satisfaction.\r\nOne does not mind defying usage and systems and wants absolute rights as a human being. Mu Ying, principal character of Ha Jin’s story and a lady opposite(prenominal) her prime, indulges in prostitution as she has been dissatisfied with the physical verbalisms of her relationship wit h her husband Meng Su (Jin 84). She pleads with other woman to consider her case on human basis (Jin 84). Physical gladness is a matter of personal filling but it comes into conflict with regulatory aspect of society which to promote a stable system denounces physical gratification out of doors wedlock and makes it punishable as adultery.\r\nThe more(prenominal) primitive and backward the society, like mainland China during times of Communist Revolution, the more wild the punishment. Mu Ying’s thrashing a red guard for not paying her property results in her public humiliation and fearsome death at the hands of going Guards and suicide of her husband (Jin 88) †evil begetting evil. The author Ha Jing has not raised any question of morality. He has simply depict the incompatible conduct of a person and its disastrous repercussions.\r\n'
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